[quote=longcut] My skepticism kicks in when I think, well, is he not doing well on that evaluation because it's within the parameters of normal, or is he actually having trouble, as it appears? I personally cannot do those convergence things. So I'm watching the eval and thinking with a questioning mindset, does he understand the directions? Is the evaluation accurate? How experienced is the assistant performing the tests for the doctor, if one of the tests was totally confusing and I could tell DS was really irritated by the instructions? And how about those bifocals, how do they impact the tests vs single vision lenses? Questions I need to ask the doctor.


I had similar doubts during the screening. She explained to me after the exam that the easist way to tell if a child has convergence issue is to use pencil pushup. I did it right when we got home and DS was able to converge. I called the VT to ask if his issue is "real", she said" oh, good for him, when I tested him, he wasn't able to do that and there are other methods we use for the evaluation as well. But your son is really smart and he learns what your expectation is quickly and he does that for you"

We were going to quit after this conversation then DH insisted we had a second opinion. His reasoning is that the focusing issue (near-far focusing)was found out by our regular vision doctor in the summer, although for whatever reason, it was never noticed in the previosu 4/5 years of annual check up. He thought the regular vision doctor would have no bias.