This summer we started vision therapy for DS8. He went once a week for 12 weeks, and he did daily homework at home. While he didn't like the homework in most cases, he did do it. After 12 weeks we decided to stop for four reasons 1) we weren't seeing any differences in his day to day life; 2) most days he wouldn't do the homework without a lot of fighting; 3) he said he didn't see a difference; 4) it was really expensive. While he did score higher on their eval tests, I wonder how much of that is because they were designed to test the specific things he was practicing with therapy.

We were skeptical to start the therapy, but I had talked to friends where it had done wonders for their child. We felt trying it for 12 weeks was long enough to see a difference if there was going to be any. We were only going to continue with it past 12 weeks if we could see a difference at home.