Originally Posted by Platypus101
So, my point, in all this rambling: it's critical to know, comprehensively, what are all the issues you are dealing with, because VT can only help in one specific area (visual processing, particularly convergence insufficiency). If your DS is affected by additional issues (fine motor, dysgraphia or anything else), it may be really hard to see change, even if the VT is highly effective.

DS was never evaluated for Dysgraphia,I feel there is not enough symptoms pointing to dysgraphia, or would like to wait until we see some progress with the VT. His handwriting is messy but the main problem is the neatness and spacing. His spelling is excellent and there is no letter omitting and reversing issues. In terms of vision processign issues, he has problems with convergence, tracking and focusing (accomodative). The 1.5 hour vision processing test did not find further problems.

During the parent meeting with the first VT, she suggested therapy would help but he might be able to grow out of it. She was very ambiguous and noncommital. However, in her written report that sent home a few days later, she clearly said he has deficiencyies in 3 of the 4 areas tested and recommended twice a week therapy. We were utterly confused about the inconsistency and went for the second VT. Equally reputable in our area, the second VT offered a quick screening and confirmed his convergence and focusing issues, plus tracking. The first VT never said DS had tracking issue. The entire process did not help us to gain more confidence in Vision Therapy. Increasingly we felt like they jsut wanted to make money from the expensive evaluation and screening sessions.

We still decided to give VT a try for at least 3 months, as we hear so many sucess stories and do not want to regret later.

DS is cooportive with daily practices but told me there have been no differences at all. It is really a leap of faith to keep spending money and time on something no evidence indicates is working.
like most of you have suggested, we will give it a few more weeks, until the entire first phase of 12 weeks.