The dividing decimals issues should be simple to fix. Regarding knowing to do on word problems, while it may not be the same issue, my DD11 has struggled off and on with word problems for years. When it comes to math, she does beautifully with learning and applying algorithms that involve only numbers (geometry is also fine), but "Bob left Phoenix on a train traveling 60 mph..." can tie her into knots. She has a hard time figuring out how to set up the problem. I suspect this is not uncommon, but it is certainly something I notice. One remedy I suggest when she seems to not know what number goes where and what to do with what is to sub in easy numbers for the numbers in the problem and see if that makes things become more intuitive (that is, it helps you see that what you need to do is divide, or whatever). I don't know how "legit" this method is, but I used it for years to help me get by with problems that stumped me at first.

Last edited by ultramarina; 10/19/15 08:10 PM.