Thank you all for the great suggestions! We will try them. Trying to have him set up the problem is an interesting approach -- he does better when he understands things fully, so that might really work.

blackcat, I wasn't the one watching the Khan Academy with him, but DH said there was something about the terms being used that was confusing him as it was different than his text (probably the point, lol). I will ask him.

Some of the examples seem pretty easy, ex. 15 tennis balls weigh 60 ounces, how many ounces do 5 tennis balls weigh? It seems he gave up and guessed at the answer on that one.

However, we had real progress this morning on figuring out how to calculate percentages using decimals (ex. 12% of 25 is?). I explained the process verbally and he caught on after one or two examples, then he was on fire and asking for more to try. He even said "I'm going to look at my homework again, because I think I did some weird stuff on it before I knew this!" I'm wondering if talking it through works better for him than simply reading the text.