I feel for you. My 2e/pg ds9 has dyspraxia plus tons of other issues. He had ot and ot from 0-5, and 1-5 for speech, and then didn't qualify any more for them. He still uses the pink fork and spoons for toddler/preschoolers that I bought at Target years ago for $1/each. He has difficulty with using adult utensils. He avoids writing like the plague. Basically, he avoids a lot of things that involve his hands and grasping things, though he does bike now (which I'm thrilled about).

We homeschool so I can attempt to deal with the special needs issues and been dealing with them since birth. I asked tons and tons of questions of ot/pt when ds was in therapy and I did a lot of carryover exercises between 0-5. I'm sure you can find exercises on pinterest or elsewhere online. It's been a long, long journey. Ds got the dyspraxia diagnosis at age 3.5 yrs old when we were living in NYC and saw a top developmental pediatrician.

Polarbear - I would totally agree with you. There is a genetic component. Ds also has hypotonia (low muscle tone). That's hereditary too. I believe it's tied to the peripheral nervous system in utero. That's my sense and based on what I've been reading lately and thinking about it.