Originally Posted by mom2one
Writing was discussed. Apparently he does very well writing if he sees that it matters. Else he just does not write as much.
I am still thinking about this aspect.

I would pay *really* close attention to the writing assignments and how well he does on them. It's possible he does well if he "sees that it matters" but that's also an easy place to put a reason without analyzing the issue. It's easy to fall into thinking not trying or not being motivated is the issue when what's up when really is something else entirely, such as he tires on long assignments, is overwhelmed by having to organize a paragraph, he doesn't understand how to summarize, etc. It's easy to say it's lack of motivation, because how exactly do you define what "lack of motivation" looks like? How do you define the product? Realistically, a lot of the output and outward appearance of kids who have genuine academic struggles and LDs can *look* like they are not trying or only produce good work when they are motivated or think it matters. Inconsistency is a hallmark of having an LD.

OK, off my soapbox smile

Otherwise it sounds like the meeting went well! Thanks for the update!

Best wishes,
