Originally Posted by eco21268
I hope. He REALLY wants to stay there and I think there has been a constellation of issues that have made the whole year difficult--family, insurance changes, doctors, meds, school--just all of it. I don't think it's the curriculum that's the problem--I think he's failed to assimilate.

Last night I noticed a bunch of his band friends interacting with him and it seemed like they really like him. He was always pretty popular with elementary kids, and he's told me all year his friends like him--I just wasn't sure he was right. That helped, somewhat.

Reading that OT report made me feel like I am in a parallel universe. All the adults in my child's real life think he is adorable.

To me, that says "stay and try to fix"-- at least for now. You are at the beginning-- the neuropsych will help considerably, I bet.

The agonizing slowness with which these problems are solved used to make me batty. I would recommend forcing yourself to check on it every day ("is there anything I should or need to do to move the school situation forward today?") and if there is not-- walk away from it for the day and think about other things. You can make yourself more bonkers than even the bad teacher can. And you need to be the sane one. As you are.

He sounds like a darling kid to me. You and he will figure it out together.