Another Canuck reporting in.

DS10 did the CCAT a couple of years ago, in grade 3, so I've paid attention when it comes up in discussion. He was also 99th on both sections (I think that's as precise as the scores get, and I don't think they did a non-verbal section). So his CCAT was consistent with his WISC.

Comments I have seen are generally similar to the CoGAT experiences reported here: it's OK for a group screening test, but it IS a group screening test. So it's short, it's comparatively more reliant on knowledge than abstract cognitive thinking, and it's nowhere near as dependable as a much longer, one-on-one, proper assessment such as the WISC. I have seen many posts on our provincial gifted forum describing children who did much lower on the CCAT than the WISC, especially, as Chay notes, in 2E situations. With a fairly young kid, I might wonder if there's more room for higher scores too, reflecting greater exposure to advanced materials, though aeh can holler if I'm over-extrapolating there.

Overall, what I have advised some friends is: the CCAT gives mostly reasonable scores, so if your scores match what you see in real life, they probably are reasonable. If you see a mismatch, though, question the CCAT before you question your own sanity.

That said, eyreapparent, if you've been feeling comfortable on this board for two years, I would strongly suspect the accuracy of that 99th!