Thanks for the links Aquinas and aeh for the confirmation.

Chay (my fellow imposter!) I was hoping you'd chime in. If you don't mind sharing how your son's CCAT compares I'd be interested to know. You can PM me. I tend to agree with your comment: "I don't think any amount of enriched environment is going to make an average (or even high average) kid test above 99th%ile)" It's good to know that there are people out there who empathize with the shock.

Blackcat, I agree that the non verbal section could be more representative of real cognitive ability. I believe she completed that section yesterday afternoon. Not sure if the teacher had that score available or if it was lower but I'm going to email and ask what it was.

Thanks for all of the input.

Last edited by eyreapparent; 04/11/15 10:50 AM.