First, I apologize if this is long.

Does anyone have any experience with the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (C CAT)?

DD5, in Senior kindergarten in Ontario, was given this test by her school's special Ed teacher, as an initial screen to being designated gifted. She scored above 99th percentile in the verbal and quantitative sections. I don't know what her percentile was for non verbal - as her teacher just quickly mentioned that DD had completed the test at pick up and informally mentioned those scores to me. I want to find out the non verbal score to see if there is a large discrepancy.

DD5 is going to be put on the list for a psycho-educational evaluation. Is the C CAT a good predictor of the results of a psycho educational eval? DH and I were surprized by this score. Of course I've known for awhile that DD is pretty sharp, I've been posting on this forum off and on for the last two years, but we expected results in the low 90s not above 99th.

Is there any significance that her higher scores were in verbal and quantitative? Do those sections depend more on previous experience? The definitions on google of the non verbal section states the non verbal section involves detecting essential similarities and relationships and doesn't require info the student has gained from previous experience.

I feel like I have imposter syndrome. I actually asked DH yesterday if getting above the 99th percentile could be a fluke. Are these scores the result of us being involved parents and reading to her every night? We don't officially school at home - but we work on printing, because of her weak fine motor, and have discussed topics like adding, multiplication, general human anatomy, basic ideas about physics when she's asked about them.

In the back of my mind,though I don't rationally believe it, is the mantra, "everything evens out by third grade." Is she going to even out as the other children get older? My gut reaction is no, and even her teachers are saying no she's going to test gifted, but there's still a part of me that's in disbelief.

Sorry for all of the rambling. I have a lot of thoughts swirling around. Any thoughts on the C CAT would be greatly appreciated.