A couple of interesting things that happened yesterday and that is puzzling to me. We were reading a book, he was reading to me. Even though he started reading before he was 3, and he has obviously improved a lot, it has seemed as though the fluency has been lacking. Like it is choppy. yesterday he was reading to me and after a little while he took his hand and put it over the picture on the page. I asked him why he did that and he said he kept looking at the picture and that it was distracting to him. After that he's reading fluency was incredible! Huge difference! I am wondering if a lot of the work in school has pictures next to it, and since he is so visual eyes are drawn to the picture and he gets distracted.

Another thing he shared with me is that when in school, he keeps listening to the air conditioning/heating system running. He says it sounds like he is at a racetrack and cars are driving, and that he makes a movie about it in his head.

Having added those two components, I am wondering if anybody has any experience with what this could be caused by? Is there some kind of disorder where the kid can react like this? Or is it just because of the overexcitabilitlies that come along with giftedness?