Honestly, I know what she is talking about. I see it too. Sometimes he appears....how do I say this..."not very bright", since he can not finish simple tasks his class mates do with ease.Then he turns around a finishes a 3rd grade math sheet (which I bring in) with ease. (This fact the teacher NEVER comments on, but that is another issue...:-/)
He sounds just like my DS10

He used to draw all over his math sheets and rip the edges... whine, complain, kick the chair legs, etc etc. Then they'd get sent home and the torture continued, until I'd make a deal with him: "Do these questions for Madame and then I will give you something better." He'd comply then I'd give him questions at a higher grade level and he'd fly through them.
It Is 2Day - that sounds like "maladaptive day dreaming" and both my son and I are guilty of it too - so much so that the school requested we have him tested for absence seizures (EEG came back normal).
1111 - I wish I had suggestions but all I can say is that it does get easier (my son's KG year was hell) as they get older and are more capable and willing to pay attention to the connection between their behaviors and the outcomes. Just hang in there, keep advocating, and give him harder work at home (if the school won't) so that he doesn't lose interest completely.