So many good replies, I don't know if I have anything to offer.
My first reaction to how he feels about school and daycare make me think this is a personality issue. I know that with our son, emotionally speaking, he's been intense since day one and at 3 years and 11 months and I know that this intensity will continue on in various forms probably forever.
One idea is that you could skip K altogether and just enter him at grade 1 when he's 6 and begin day care in the meantime? Maybe that doesn't make sense because the kids at day care will be younger. Perhaps a nanny for ages 4,5 and then 1st at age 6?
We are in the decision phase and waiting for test results and that's what we are thinking, of skipping K altogether. But I stay at home, so it's an option for us.

Last edited by GGG; 01/26/15 02:01 PM.