---The tension between seeking to conform and seeking something to learn was wearing her out, and causing all of her social and emotional problems.----

This quote really resonated with me. I think this is DD, and is also me. I think this is the crux of my dilemna about choosing a K for her. She is advanced in pretty much every area of her pre-K curricula, but is very hard on herself and wants to do things like her peers. Should I choose a public charter montessori K, or a traditional K? Do I choose peers she can easily fit in with, or peers that will challenge her (and perhaps frustrate her)?

Shes 4.5 (She'll be 5 at the end of June). So she's on the young age of the grade as it is and is hard on herself (like I am). She tells me that her mouth and her hands just don't work as fast or as detailed as her brain.