Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I think I'm going to have to take her to a neuropsych and just pay out of pocket. But then again, I'm not sure what the point would be because the school would ignore the information anyway. She has a 504 with things like giving her extended time, the teacher scribing, etc. and no one is really bothering to follow it. She could name most of the capital cities after I went through the flash cards with her 800 times but got a D- on the test because she didn't write them down. She probably could have said them to the teacher. She could say them to me at any rate. She also had to memorize an interesting fact about each state (for instance there were a lot of battles in New Jersey during the revolutionary war, which is why I was trying to give her a mental image of Trent battling a Jersey cow). She says that on the test, there was a list of facts and a list of states, and they just had to be matched up so she got all those correct. But I doubt she would have been able to recall the facts about the states. DS is able to do it, even though he was only listening for about 10 minutes. If I asked him to name a fact about Pennsylvania he would say "Battle of Gettysburg." DD probably wouldn't be able to do that anymore. It's the same with math facts. She learns them, and then after a while, forgets a lot of them. They don't stick in long-term memory, or if they do, it takes a long time to retrieve the information.