blackcat - I don't know if this will help, but I had a similar kind of odd experience with our DD8 (recently diagnosed dyslexia, probable ADHD-I).

To set up our OG-type remediation program at home, we were putting magnets on a couple sets of letter tiles and putting them on the whiteboard. At one point, I had the whole alphabet laid out across, in order, minus about six letters. I suggested DD find the missing letters in the pile of tiles I had now added magnets to.

Now I'd have sworn this child was practically born knowing her alphabet. I think the first time she wrote it out, she was barely two and appeared one day with it in hand - I had no idea she had the faintest clue how to write most of those letters. She taught herself cursive staring off at a border in the classroom (when one presumes she was supposed to be doing something else), and came home and wrote it out one night (when she was supposed to be doing something else).

And yet - she had a lot of trouble figuring out which letters of the alphabet were missing (and I had left gaps), and where to put them. I was a little shocked, to say the least. Up to her diagnosis, we'd been making her read Percy Jackson to us at night. A week into remediation, and I am constantly boggled at some of the things I am now realizing she can't do, but has hidden so well.