Thanks for the clarification about Webkinz, gratified3. Still not quite sure what it is, but pretty clear that I'm not looking forward to it. Ah, well.

Just to be clear about our relation to music. DW and I both grew up playing instruments - piano and violin for me, piano and classical guitar for DW. DW's mom is a pianist turned piano teacher; we both think it's important for DS to have music in his life. Neither of us has any hope or desire that it will be a career for him, however. Indeed, I think it's probably a very difficult way to make a living, and I wouldn't encourage it at all as a career choice unless it were clearly the thing in the world that motivated him most. (I say this having chosen an academic career, which seems to me to have similar upside and downside potentials.) Still, he does seem very moved by music, and he shows some rather strong interest in being able to play instruments. I do believe that the kids who are in this program like it a lot, and that it would be a good group of kids for DS to get involved with. And I think he could gain a sense of accomplishment if he made some progress. But all these things are tempered by the fact that he's only 4, and by the fact that there are other things he enjoys more. If there were Suzuki baseball I would definitely sign him up.