I don't have anything to add but I have to say that I just spent 20 minutes trying to get my child to do ANY piano practice. He's not doing Suzuki. He begged at age 5 to learn the piano. We started him at 5 1/2 (he's almost 7). Just in the last 3 months or so he has started refusing to practice. I don't know if it is a stage or if he is bored or if he is being rebellious. It makes me nuts - putting out all that money for lessons and he keeps doing the same songs at every lesson because he won't practice. If he'd practice just a few minutes every day between lessons, he'd get stars on those songs and could move on.

Didn't mean to hijack the thread with my rant but it just makes me so irate that he won't practice and I have no control over it. We've done rewards, consequences, punishment, promises. Nothing works. The teacher told me to back off so I have but it just kills me. I feel taken advantage of because he won't practice and I can't "make" him. It can become quite a battle and even when I give up the battle I feel frustrated.

Thanks for letting me vent. Good luck with your decision.