I have plenty of respect for the upside to these traits, but am trying to figure out how we also help him understand the "seeing others point of view" side of the equation and that it truly isn't necessary to argue Every Single Part of Your Day. (From a future standpoint, in my experience, adults who have strong wills but who learn that there are other points of view/approaches).
Currently, there are a lot of nagging little things. Dinner is never right (thus whining and fussy about what's served and why are we having it again). If he doesn't want to do something (ex. learn to put on soccer apparel, go to bed to sleep/put the book away), it's a battle. Nothing is ever as simple as having it done when one asks. This is in marked contrast to our other child, and frankly, to how my spouse was raised. This isn't going well. I was hoping there was something (besides his parents) that might talk to the point of there being benefits to going along with what one is asked to do by one's parents.
On the plus side, he's not a daredevil and has good respect for safety items (ex. put your seatbelt on before we start the car). He is said to be very kind to his classmates.
Last edited by ConnectingDots; 10/07/14 08:46 AM.