These are very good scores. It is difficult to back-predict what his Raven's scores would be. I can give you a ballpark, though, based on standard errors. The Raven's has a standard error of about 3-4, so the 95% confidence interval would be about +/- 7. On the WIAT-III, oral reading fluency has a 95% confidence interval of +/- 7. 7+7+7=21, suggesting a likely lower limit for the Raven's of around 125, which would be the 95th %ile. Running through the other subtests, I get lower limits for the Raven's between 125 and 140 (99.6%ile), with math slanting toward the higher end, and reading toward the lower end. Your upper limit would be 160, >99.9 %ile across the board. I would expect the math scores to be better predictors of the Raven's, as math draws more on visual/nonverbal cognitive abilities.

Bottom line, the predicted Raven's is somewhere between 125 (95 %ile) and 160 (>99.9 %ile). Not all that helpful, I know.

ETA: Probably leaning toward the 160 end of the range, but how heavily, I couldn't say.

Last edited by aeh; 09/26/14 01:31 PM.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...