Thanks for the info HID! I had heard that seminar placement was a possibility based on teacher/principal recommendation, space permitting. Good to know this is indeed true and actually helps with our decision making.
The only seminar school in our cluster is Grant, so if he tests in he would automatically be given a spot, no application necessary. Now if he doesn't test in, it would be a longshot since Grant has the lowest choice acceptance rate outside of the La Jolla schools. So we are looking at Silver Gate and Sunset View, Pt. Loma cluster, as our 1 and 2 picks. They both have 900+ API's, seminar programs and high choice acceptance rates. I think we also stand a better chance of getting into seminar there should he not automatically test in since 3 of the 6 Pt. Loma cluster schools offer seminar. Classes may not be as filled.
Any chance you are familiar with any of these programs?