Hi. We are looking into moving our son from a private school into public school next year. Our school district has some schools with well regarded Seminar Gate programs which you must test into with a 99.9% Raven's score. He's in second grade now and the Seminar program begins in 3rd grade. I know it may seem early but there's a lot of research to do regarding which schools, how competitive they are to get into, etc. and applications are due in Feb.
He has never had any type of IQ test but his current school does give the WIAT to all students annually. I don't know how much to hope he will test into Seminar but would love to hear any opinions on score translation (from WIATIII to Raven's) based on the below. I know there's no exact translation, but understanding the probabilities will help us decide which 3 schools we will apply for.
Also, would love any thoughts on when to have him take the Raven's test. He just turned 6.5 last week. He can take the test anytime from next month through next June (he'll turn 7 in March.) I have heard that younger is better???
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
WIATIII Scores, test administered 6 years, 2 months
**Below scores are consistent with WIATII administered at 4yrs 3 months and 5 yrs 1 month
Reading Comprehension 157 / 99.9%
Math Problem Solving 160 / >99.9 (don't know what the ">" means)
Word Reading 146 / 99.9
Numerical Operations 160/ >99.9
Oral Reading Fluency 144 / 99.8%
Spelling 160 / >99.9%
Math Fluency - Addition 160 / >99.9
Math Fluency - Subtraction 154 / >99.9%