I am a data scientist junky, so yeah I wish I could have continuous steaming data for all forms of tests on my body and mind, so that I could analyze them and look for patterns and hidden relationships. I love putting quantitative numbers to physical phenomenon. My job is test intensive, so I am always thinking about tests, making and testing hypothesis.

I believe I could have been more successful in my youth if I had known my IQ score. My mother told me the results of my 7th grade IQ test when I was in my late 20's, and only after that did I develop the confidence to really start pursuing my academic interests. For me finding out my intelligence was key.

My childhood was quite rough for reasons that were out of my control, which accounts for much of the difficulty I had in school. Also, my very high intelligence, I think made me even more of a odd duck. I was dirt poor, but smart. I ended up dropping out in the 8th grade to work.

I think learning my IQ was a benefit for me, but life is so complicated that I think each case is going to be different.

An IQ test as a general predictive tool for success is a subject that I have no interest in exploring in this post, but it is an interesting subject that has been explored by a large number of people yielding differing views.

Last edited by it_is_2day; 09/25/14 09:08 PM.