I recently had an IQ test as my daughter is showing signs of being gifted and I was curious as to how my own experiences in school etc, may be similar (or not).

I have always known that I was "bright" and had estimated myself in the top 10% (iq 120).

Then my result came back quite a deal higher than that. At first I was pleased and that I wasn't crazy for imagining my daughter was gifted and that maybe there was some basis to it.

Then I felt like a fraud because on all the "bright vs gifted" checklists, I always tick the items in the "bright" column. I'm not creative, I don't have any out-there ideas and I have poor general knowledge. I just understand things quickly (on topics I am interested in).

Then as time has gone on, I keep thinking about why I haven't been more successful in life etc. I know that giftedness does not equal success, but I can't help thinking that I have wasted a great opportunity.

Did you find out your own high IQ as an adult and what effect did it have?