We were being blocked from the IEP process. They now remember every detail of previous discussions *except* that we asked for an IEP at every single one, and they refused to touch the letter (we could have just emailed it, but we were trying not to make enemies)

Anyway, they're backtracking. Hopefully things will go well. and yes, Indigo, we arrived last September with all of that. They just ignored it. Honestly, as far as K goes, the 2Es actually *do* kinda cancel each other if you're not looking too closely.

But this kind of problem on day 3 does not bode well.

(also, we're not in the US)

Last edited by Michaela; 09/04/14 05:00 PM.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!