I am late to the party since I was in a canoe for the past 4 days but I thought I'd share since I had a great time reading everyone else's stories.

To start I have 3 children and never breastfed any of them. I actually pumped for 8 days of my DS2 life but supply issues caused me to stop.

DS5- born at 34 weeks (5 lbs 8oz) due to PROM. Delivered via c/s since he was in a breech position. 2 week NICU stay--breathing, eating issues. He is tested as PG.

DD4- born at 37 weeks (6 lbs 14 oz) and repeat c/s after ROM. Breathing issues at birth but no NICU stay.

DS2- born at 35.5 weeks (6 lbs 10oz) and another repeat c/s after preterm labor and PROM. Breathing issues at birth and a 2 week NICU stay.

I also had insulin dependent gestational diabetes with all the pregnancies which is why they all weighed a fair amount for their gestational age. It was rough but I am so glad that not only are my children healthy today--they don't seem any worse off in the IQ department despite the rough starts.
