Ok. I'm ready to try and deal with this again. I need to get my son 7 evaluated for dysgraphia and get some help with this! I suspect that he has slow processing speed and dysgraphia. He is homeschooled now. I contacted the special ed coordinator at his school, but did not hear back yet. I assume they can do a decent evaluation for this? (I hope)
What instruments would work to diagnose these problems in a gifted kid? When he was attending that school they did not address his giftedness well, nor recognize a specific writing problem. They only saw that he "didn't do his work".

If they do not do do a decent job of testing where should I look? I live in Madison Wisconsin and we could scrape together a few hundred dollars for testing if we need to.

I am the only one who really sees that this is something more than just him needing to practice. (Because I am the one teaching him most of the time!) I am feeling demoralized about it right now because my husband thinks maybe we should put him back in school. I don't see any reason to think that the school will do a much better job with him this year than last year. A less poor job maybe...

Anyway, what tools should I be looking for them to use?