How long is the program? If it's a month then that is a long time to be away from home for the first time. My DS15 has been going to sleep away camp since he was 9 for only a week, despite being shy & introverted and has always LOVED it. But the camps I send him to are wilderness, outdoor things not academic camps. Most of his camps are still only two weeks. He has gone longer but to stay with his grandparents and then a sleep away wilderness camp.

As to what to do it's hard to really advise you. Going out to see him probably will give you a better idea of how to judge how miserable he really is. Have you had a chance to talk with any teachers/counselors? What are there perspectives on it? Does he seems happy in the day, just very exhausted and upset in the evening? Or does he just seem miserable all the time. How does he get along with the other kids?

Keep in mind that you as a parents are someone "safe" to complain. So you may be getting a bit of a odd perspective. On the other hand I always believe my children when they say they are very unhappy, even if I don't always capitulate to all their wants. If I was to do so my DS would do nothing else but play computer games the entire summer.

Also keep in mind that stuff happens. Not everything works out the way you expected. We learn from mistakes and it's not like if you do pull him out of this program there would be any major long term repercussions. It's an experience you can learn from and move forward.

Good Luck.

Last edited by bluemagic; 07/10/14 08:45 PM.