I had a situation like this with one of my dcs at a different gifted camp. The dc toughed it out, but I wish I had brought dc home. I'd say it depends on what you and ds hoped to get out of the camp. Was he excited about the promise of high-level academics but is finding the level not very challenging? (That happened to my dc.) Are the peers a problem in some way? My dc had such a disappointing social and academic experience that in retrospect I should have just said "that's it." Instead, I overweighted finishing the thing to avoid regret. But I will say that the situation in my dc's camp was particularly bad, including a lack of supervision (nominal supervisors were tired/sick/MIA). We homeschool too, so some of it was just the kind of "school" vibe dc wasn't used to, meaning a high level of social competition and relatively low academic expectations despite the camp's promises. But dc and dc's sibling have both gone to other camps and have done just fine, so in retrospect I would have just said, eh, not for us.