Aquinas, I saw the post and wanted to write about my post from last year on our montessori inspired homeschool and was so happy to see that you mentioned it in your post. Thanks for the plug

IslandofApples, here is a link to my post
http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....1513/Setting_up_our_Montessori_insp.htmlI just realized that the pictures on the post are old and we have so much more in our homeschool than we had before such as density cubes, snap circuit equivalent that i got from abroad, spirograph, geopuzzles. I will update the pictures and the material list later when I have more time.
I agree with others about not stressing the academics unless child has a very specific question. Keep it all child led and your child will surprise and delight you. I consider my role to be this: provide an enriched environment and get out of their way. All the best with your journey ahead.