The only thing I push with DD (almost4) is handwriting because her letter formation is wrong about 25% of the time and it bugs me. My issues rather than hers but I know it'd be ME who'd have to sit and correct her until she unlearns all the bad habits down the road so I'm being proactive.
Otherwise, I never got around to getting her any homeschooling supplies that I planned on getting. The only thing I do consistently is our weekly trip to the library and her extracurricular activities. I also got her (tiger mom alert) discarded copies of literature collections grade 2 to 5 for summer reading. As for math, we haven't done anything structured for awhile. Right now, we're lining up as many fun (and free or almost free) activities for the summer. We are enrolled in a mommy-and me art class and we both love it.

I often have the best intention to do fun art and craft things for her and her play dates but I'm just too exhausted.
ETA: The reason I mentioned the art class is that I think it's more cost effective than purchasing supplies and equipments. We did ceramics, screen printing, mask making, sewing, water color painting, collage, photography, and a lot of group painting projects. It'd have been almost cost prohibitive for me to do all the above at home.