Hey guys! I'm about to start officially homeschooling my DD, and I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the curriculum choices out there. I was hoping you could help. I want something simple and easy... something that we'll both enjoy, and that won't take a ton of money or time to put together.
My DD is 3.5 now. Since birth, she's always hit milestones around 1.5x her actual age, and that's stayed pretty consistent. She's been begging me to teach her to read and write for a bit now, so I've decided to officially start homeschooling.
I don't intend to do anything too rigid, just set aside 2-3 hours a day to make sure I'm giving her lots of time to work on reading, math, crafts, motor skills, etc. I've been lazy in that department, just waiting until she seemed to be truly ready to do activities with me.
I think she might be at the tail-end of kindergarten, but I'm not sure.
She's known all her letters since 17 months and learned the sounds awhile ago, but we need to brush up. I'm taking her through this Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. The repetition gets boring for both of us, but she remembered the first few lessons I did a couple months ago, so we brushed up and got to lesson 8 today.
She can sort of count to 20 and can add up to... 4 or 5? correctly. She sometimes will accidentally start counting by 5s or backwards...I think because of a song or something she learned on a cartoon. I think if I actually make the effort to teach her to count, add, and subtract, I can get her caught up pretty quickly with it. She knows her shapes, colors and such, but I'm not even sure what I should be going over with her. I just want to make sure she knows whatever she needs to know.
She's not quite ready to write, though. She can write a sloppy M and draw stick people with multiple body parts, but I need to get her doing more crafts and mazes to work on her fine motor skills. I think we'll learn to read before she'll be ready to write. But then the writing should come easier.
I have a mishmash of random Montessori stuff, tons of flashcards, math and word puzzles, kumon workbooks, etc. But no plan.

And there is so much more to focus on besides reading and math. Science, history, nature, crafts. I really need to formulate a plan so I know what I need to focus on each day.
What do you guys suggest starting out with?