Originally Posted by Mana
The only thing I push with DD (almost4) is handwriting because her letter formation is wrong about 25% of the time and it bugs me. My issues rather than hers but I know it'd be ME who'd have to sit and correct her until she unlearns all the bad habits down the road so I'm being proactive.
It's not unusual for a preschooler to still have trouble forming her letters. This is normal development and not necessary her forming "bad" habits. Unless you child has fine motor problems I wouldn't stress it at this point.

As the previous poster said, play with Playdough or other clay. Or kneed bread or make cookies that you form with your hands. And use child scissors, cutting with scissors is a big help in develop the hand strength to help develop the fine motor for writing. And a lot of fun at the same time. Find some old magazines or ads cut them up and make collages. Not a whole lot of art supplies needed.