Arr. That does sound like overkill. Clearly, the simplest route would be to wait a year, and ask for early 1st grade. Although we did have a situation related to what you note: #1 skipped K to go into 1st, the only child to have ever done so in this small school, but after being subjected to a couple of years of #1, the school said absolutely no to any more early entrants when I inquired about #2.

(This would be the same #1 who bounces up and says, "hey, I just tried one of these free ADHD questionnaires online, and it says I'm highly likely to have it!" I think the only reason we haven't had more problems with teachers is because #1 also bursts out with spontaneous exclamations like, "You are the best teacher in the whole world! I love you!" Accompanied by an adorable smile. To every teacher. And means it.)

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...