It is a possibility to advocate for doing kindergarten at the school's age and then skip first grade if he passes some end of year curriculum tests that the school could provide?

I have often thought that if I could have figured out something to do differently with my child, that is what I think might have really worked out well. (Of course, I don't know that for sure.)

IMO, kindergarten does have a lot of fun social/role playing aspects to it that still provide learning opportunities, but first grade was fairly useless since it is all about learning to read and count, which many gifted kids would have long since mastered at that age.

Learning to sit at a desk could happen just as well in second grade with possibly more interesting work.

ETA. Although there are some who will get diagnosed with ADHD, I think most kindergarten age boys are normally impulsive, to one degree or another. A good kindergarten teacher will understand that.

Last edited by howdy; 05/15/14 12:43 PM.