I would consider when early application to K takes place. Is it now or over the summer?

My DS just barely made the cut off for K this year. Academically he was not prepared, which made his age and maturity a difficult transition. I second guessed myself all year. However, now that he is academically caught up, he is starting to enjoy school, and since we found out he is gifted, I'm glad he is young. Waiting for a year for him to mature would likely be a problem in the future. Now it's as if he were accelerated already (also many boys are red-shirted in our area).

I swore DS had ADHD, but testing said otherwise, and teacher swears up and down he acts like a normal 5 year old in class. I've reconsidered after researching giftedness that the behaviors I see (some of them) may be due to his inquisitiveness instead.

I think a best option may be a type of preschool/early elementary like Montessori, where he can progress at his pace (quick or slow), have freedom, and not many expectations. After the summer or some time period you can reevaluate early K or continue until 1st early admission.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.