My child's biggest barrier at the library is tall shelves, so my #1 wish would be plenty of easy-to-move stools that young children can use to browse shelves that are higher than eye level.

Also book clubs. Also a great collection of high-quality books, especially series books that kids love and some of the newer non-fiction books. The genre is changing a lot right now. Also a general interest in helping all children find books that are a good match for them. Also the ability to check out books after school.

My child's library is very dated. There is no librarian. Children are allowed to check out one book at a time and must keep it in the classroom. I remember the library pretty much saving my life when I was a kid. THAT was where I learned the most in school. My child doesn't have that.

We mainly use the public library. I must drive her, so she doesn't get the joy of exploring the library by herself. The shelves are really high at our public library. Sometimes my child tells me what she is interested in and I pull a selection off the shelf for her to look through, but most of the time she finds the books online and we "order" them from the library. It pretty much kills the concept of browsing.