Thank you for asking! smile

When DS began first grade at his small charter school, (this school moves children up or down depending upon their level as determined by parental recommendation and MAP testing) he had not yet taken the MAP test and so the librarian was not aware that he could read at a 5th grade level, as tested at his prior public school. When she sent him home with an easy reader, I went with him back to the school and told her that it was too easy because at his prior school he was tested at a 5th grade level.

She seemed to be unaware of that. She also, and perhaps this is just her personality, was reluctant to direct us to the correct level of books. I was a bit put off because I thought the charter's policy would have prepared her for such requests.

So, if I had a say in how the library is set up for kids like ours, I would appreciate having a "getting to know you" survey a parent can fill out. It would include a child's interests (to help with choosing subject matter), as well as past books the child has read on their own. I would love to see a "Comments" section to add any quirks a child may have, such as gravitating toward books that are years too easy for them.

I'm happy to say that since the librarian has learned DS is truly a high-level reader (I credit the MAP test and his teacher for this!), she doesn't blink an eye when he wants to check out a three inch book on the elements and asks to have it renewed again and again.