For us our public library/school has a program called myON, a program that reads books aloud. DS is gifted but his reading hasn't yet caught up to his intellect. Plus he still loves pictures. So I use a lot of reserved award winner books from our county physical library system, but the myON reads books aloud and shows the pictures and it's been great. Not all the books are things I would choose or high literacy, but DS usually finds a lot he likes, and they do have some great resources, like Max Axiom (a science comic series).

The public library also has some audiobooks MP3, which we may start using for car rides for some chapter books.

School library... He goes once a week, and is guided to choose books of a certain reader. Very limiting I think. He can't read past his level, but I read SO many books aloud, why restrict him? And it's only one book. I personally think the school probably spends a lot of unnecessary time labeling books a certain AR reader level and coding when it should just be a LIBRARY. You know, fiction here, non fiction here, like the real world. Why should the students look for a certain coded book for their level? Rant over for now. crazy

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.