I currently homeschool DS8 and afterschool DD6, although I use the term afterschool very loosely. Here is some examples of what I do:

-We listen to Story of the World (history) during car rides; DD sometimes listens to the previous volume in her room.

-DD has an IXL account for LA and a Khan Academy account for math; I don't push these, but she works on them sporadically, usually on weekends.

-Because DD is particularly interested in history and geography, I tend towards getting books on these topics from the library (either that she can read on her own, or that I read with her).

And of course there are the things we naturally do as a family that I guess some would consider enrichment. I read to both kids frequently (often during snack), we go to museums/aquariums/zoos/historical sites, we have educational iPod apps, subscribe to quality kid magazines, watch Cosmos, etc. I don't consider this afterschooling, I consider it parenting. smile

As far as when all this happens, it's usually not after school (except for the more passive stuff like listening to me read). DD is generally too schooled-out to do anything like school when she gets home, and would much rather draw or play or do crafts.

Is there a way you could combine remediation with enrichment? For example, you could work on writing while doing fun science experiments together.