Originally Posted by polarbear
If it seems like your ds is continuing to struggle with learning to read, I'd also consider that it may be something going on that hasn't shown up on testing yet due to age or compensating with is other abilities. One of my children did struggle to learn to read and it took quite a few years (into 4th grade) before we really understood what was going on with her reading challenge. Once we did, it was *much* easier to find a program that worked to help her develop fluency etc. When I tried helping her on my own, pre-diagnosis, nothing ever really clicked. I realize (from reading the earlier posts) that you've already had your ds tested with a psych eval, but also think you noted that there was dyslexia in your family, so just wanted to throw it out there that it might be too early to really tease out if there is truly a reading challenge or not.

His reading is improving quickly, but I'm not excluding any LD as of yet. I know his age can make diagnosis difficult and something may show up later that is now not present (officially).

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.