Ah, free time! I wish my son's teacher (who's one of the better ones we've had), knew that yesterday DS8 said he wished he could just sit with a an extraordinarily THICK BOOK all day and read.

I wish my son's teacher understood how much my son detests AR tests. AND... that since he's more than met his yearly goal of 100 (he's pushing 400 points now, lady!), he should not have to continue testing.

I wish the school understood that racing to/from the gifted pullout each day chops DS' lunch time down to 15 minutes, and that he's tired of finishing his food in class.

I wish my son's teacher was not walking around the room during standardized testing this week engaging in "encouraging" talk while the kids are testing!

I wish she had not told him yesterday (during said test) that she "hopes the principal can put his name on the wall next to students who've gotten perfect scores on FCAT." No pressure! I have worked so hard to keep DS focused on tasks so he minimizes careless mistakes. He's come a looong way... Please, please do not talk to my kid while he's concentrating.