Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Just because my kid sits quietly through class all day long and appears to be happy is not necessarily indicative of a kid who is appropriately challenged by the material being taught.

this is SO what I wish our teacher/school would get.
and all of the others too!

A few more:
1. That when my son asks interesting questions, you should really answer him. Now. Not fob him off with a sweet smile and a "let's talk about it later/you'll learn that later"
2. That when I mention he is doing second grade maths at home, and would like him to follow on with this at school, I really do mean he needs to do more than filling in missing numbers in a sequence or counting out loud to 30. (ie please take me seriously when I suggest the type of work he would like to do)

and most of all - that I really do not care that he can do grade level work on par with everyone else (that he mastered 2 years ago already)... I'd much rather see a report that shows me what HE can achieve according to HIS potential.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)