I would think that brining your own laptop to school, as Trinity's DS10 does, would make it easier on them. Any typing program will tell you Mite's typing speed and corrected typing speed.

I would focus on how to make it easier for them at the meeting. With a laptop, Mite can be more independent and complete assignments with a greater level of complexity and detail. Eventually, the laptop will be his saviour, so why put it off?

Math is the only tricky thing. Maple is a great math program which performs symbolic algebra, but it also does it all for you which you don't want at this level.

Regarding the gifted instruction being below Mite's level, we were disappointed by that too. At the beginning of the year the teacher would explain exciting things the gifted group were going to do. However, as she implemented them and DS13 was the only one capable of doing it, she then watered it down and then it was no longer valuable. Of course, no school is set up to teach the few percent of the population that can excel like Mite. But, with a keyboard he can express himself, and lots of outside reading provides background information, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, etc.

David E.