Sorry to go a bit off-topic (Fite's comment on minds running ahead of motor skills made me think of this), but does anyone else have kids whose minds seem to race ahead of their SPEECH skills?

My DS8 is soon having a speech eval at school because of trouble with some of his "R" sounds. In discussing the referral with me, his teacher also mentioned that she notices DS sometimes gasps for air in the middle of his sentences, and that she is going to mention it to the speech therapist. I have noticed the same thing. As a toddler, it was even more pronounced; if DS had something long and complicated to say, he would literally talk himself out of air and have to take a deep gasping breath mid-word or mid-sentence in order to continue. Other people outside the family would comment on it, too.

I always thought it was just that he had a lot to say and the words in his brain were racing too fast for his mouth to keep up. But now that he's older, I see that he also tends to struggle and stumble over words during longer conversations--like if he's trying to describe something that happened at school. Not like a stutter, just stumbling over words and lots of pauses and repeats, as well as "uhs, ums, ers" as he grasps for the right words. Sometimes starting a word, then pausing mid-word, then re-starting it. He's also a very hesitant reader when reading aloud. I really notice it because DD12 and DD6 are both fast and fluent readers aloud.

Anyway, does this sound familiar to anyone? And is it any cause for concern, or just a developmental thing or even a "deep-thinking mind swirling with too much information" thing? I'm very curious what the speech therapist will say about it.

P.S. to Fite: sending early happy birthday wishes to Mite! I hope it's a fabulous day for him and your whole family.