Not a lot of advice but sympathy. I've been there in your shoes. In 6th grade DS15 was in the top gifted classroom my district has to offer. This teacher whom I've heard other kids & parents sing praises about, told me to my face that my son was the most disruptive and misbehaving child he had ever had in his class. This teacher has only every taught a class for gifted and high performing kids and rarely had kids who misbehaved. He gave the kids a lot of freedom but in return demanded a high level of self sufficiency that my son wasn't ready for. My son was completely melting down in the middle of class. I will admit my son had some major problems that year, and he behavior was inappropriate. Crossing my fingers, so far the therapy he did and the maturity he has gained the past few years and things are now a lot better. (He is a H.S. freshman)

I'm commenting because your story resonates and reminds me of that year. Our home life had become a battlefield, and homework had become a huge level of stress. I was getting calls/emails from the teacher, principal sometimes every day. Good Luck, hopefully venting will help you take everything in stride.

Last edited by bluemagic; 03/31/14 08:17 PM.