As a parent of a kindergartener it is funny to think about how his current interests would look on college applications.

DS6 is our environmentalist / urban agriculture enthusiast. He has written our city council about allowing backyard goats, wants to create a chicken and food growers club that donates the eggs from their backyard chickens and fruits and veggies from their gardens to the local food bank.
He's talked to local police officers and judges about lowering or enforcing the speed limits in areas with lots of squirrels.
He's organized neighborhood trash clean ups among the kids playing outside.
He also enjoys drama and musical theatre. Particularly using drama to raise awareness about environmental issues.

His interests have stayed within these themes of the environment, food production and health since he was about three. When he was really into learning about the human body, he was really interested in the role of nutrition.

So when we look for extras, we are going toward what we think he'd like. Things like a science club, drama classes, camps at the zoo, and 4H. And if he changes interests, we'd look at other activities.

The idea of limiting his activities in these extras because they aren't the "right"" ones seems wrong.