Just wanted to add my experience on here too. We have had a similar experience at our school. My son scored very highly on all of his MAP subtests. Yet, the school didn't want to accelerate him in math and put him in an average level reading group. When I asked the school about this discrepancy, they gave me a lot of gobbledygook about how the MAP test only tests certain things and the in class assessment tests other things. Bottom line: the MAP test means nothing in our school (don't know why they are doing it) and the in class assessments mean everything.

Our school has worked to undermine achievement with my son and other gifties. There have been some scary passive aggressive attempts to make sure the gifties "even out". For example, in my son's class last year, there was a group of gifted/bright boys. For some reason they all got put into the same class. The other class had a mix of bright boys and girls. The boys in my son's class were pretty rough and tumble boys. The teacher regularly chose only VERY "girly" books for the boys to read. I think all children should read all kinds of books. But the teacher intentionally chose, essentially, distasteful literature for this group of boys so that they wouldn't want to read them. When a few parents questioned the teacher about it she said that she chose those books because those boys were so "talented" that they should be able to read whatever she chose. She then continued to say that obviously they weren't so bright because they couldn't manage to "comprehend" her choices. (And whenever I asked my son what he was reading last year, he always said, "I don't know. Some story about princesses/ponies/slumber parties." He would never answer the written reading assessments because the books were "disgusting", lol.)