I'd would say of my two girls, DD8 has a better chance of being a leader. DD8 has a great capacity for being social and likes to be in charge (and yes can sometimes be bossy). She is very good in group situations and kids tend to listen to her. I've also seen her taking directions from other peers and you can visibly tell how uncomfortable she is and you know her gears are turning thinking about what she would rather they be doing. The key here is that she goes along with it until the time is right to jump back in control.

On the other hand, DD9 doesn't like group work and would rather do things by herself or with another capable partner. In a partner situation I could easily see her being the leader and not have any issues giving her opinion and pushing her own agenda. DD9 doesn't have the social skills that DD8 has and most times could care less about others and what they think/believe. DD9 could be a leader if she wanted to, but it just isn't her thing. Of course she doesn't have any problems trying to be the leader when it comes to her and her little sister. Little sister does have a problem with this!

I agree with what some others have previously said - They aren't followers by any means, but not out right leaders either and I'd say more often them leading would be more situational or accidental.